316. Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Bread Pudding (Vegan)

Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Bread Pudding | Vegan, 3 Ingredients | Ann Ning Learning How

I have gone back and forth on the subject of eating bread over the past year.  Contrary to what I’ve absorbed in my internet travels, my GI tract did not explode when I reintroduced gluten into my diet.  Just kidding.  People don’t really say that – it’s just that I was hoping living a gluten and/or grain free lifestyle would make me feel dramatically better.  But no, it didn’t.  But apparently it does make people with gluten intolerance feel better, and it’s almost magical for people with more severe allergies.  The source of my problems, though, is my brain, not my gut – and alas, I did not notice a significant change in my physical condition when I avoided grains 100% this summer.  I still avoid grains/gluten often (out of habit, and the fond hope that I will start seeing a difference), but I make an exception with Ezekiel bread.  This bread is made from sprouted whole grains, and it’s vegan.

Click for vegan recipes!

Click for vegan recipes!

I have felt better since I started pretending to be vegan.  I love the idea of eating a plant-strong, whole food diet, plus the last time I saw CMD she said my tongue looked pretty good.  SCORE one for ME.  (Remember, looking at your tongue is a diagnostic tool for digestive health in Chinese Medicine.)  So I’m trying to eat things that will keep my digestive pot boiling.  Seriously, I told my parents that I might be more Chinese after having the bleed/stroke bc of CMD’s influence.

Due to my dental discomfort (I can only chew on the right side bc my face is messed up, but now the teeth on the back/right are acting up) I’m trying to eat softer things, hence this bread pudding.  It’s only 3+ ingredients, it’s hot, and it’s a great vegan breakfast option. If I were to make this for dessert I’d use plain Ezekiel bread then sprinkle some DF chocolate chips and orange zest in there.  YEAH.  Maybe that will be another post.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Bread Pudding (Vegan)

Serves 1, great for breakfast, preheat oven to 350

  • 2 slices of Ezekiel Bread (cinnamon raisin)
  • 1 spoonful almond butter
  • ½ cup nondairy milk
  • dash of nutmeg (optional)

Tear up your bread and put it into a small (single-serve) baking dish. Measure ½ cup of DF milk and add a spoonful of almond butter.  Mix well.  Pour the milky mixture over the bread.  Sprinkle with nutmeg if desired.  Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes.

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